Thursday, February 20, 2014

Nakdong River and Running (or Not Running) Half Marathons

I've mentioned before how much I love running or walking along this river.  This park is about a five minute walk from my apartment and exactly what I needed to have so close by.  I often find myself distracted and stopping to take pictures when I go out for a run, but it's just so pretty.  And how can I not be motivated when I'm out there?  I'm really going to miss this place but am so thankful to have had it right here this year.  Here are some of my favorite pictures I took over the course of the year.
Before I came to Korea, I said that I wanted to run a half marathon here and I finally had the opportunity (except it didn't go as planned).  I signed up for a half for the beginning of November.  I was running but admitted I just wasn't going to be ready.  I hate backing out of things and tried telling myself I'd be fine.  I probably could have run it, but I wouldn't have enjoyed it.  I switched to the 10K and am so glad that's what I decided to run.  Not only was it a better distance for the amount of time I had been running prior to the race, but I would have been so sad to be running a half marathon with the lack of excitement, cheering, and support that there was at the Busan Half Marathon.  It was so interesting to me to see people (including the volunteers) just standing around and not cheering anyone on!  Usually it's so exciting to cross the finish line, but it was almost sad because no one cared.  That's usually where most of the cheering happens!  That took away so much of the fun, but I'm glad I did run a race here to at least experience it.  I can't say that's how all of the races are, though, and I sure hope it isn't!
Remembering the Boston Marathon.
Made a friend at the finish line!

The weather has been pretty nice here lately.  Sometimes a bit too chilly to run outside (at least with the clothes I have here), but I've been able to go back and run along the river the last couple weeks.  I started training for my next half marathon (I think after this last attempt, I really just want to bust one out and run it.)  I'm running it the end of April in Nashville with my friends Kayla and Ellie.  Kayla was one of the girls who was in Korea in April and became a fast friend.  She was here for such a short time, but I'm so excited to see her again and run this race with her.  Ellie is one of my best friends from home and I'm so glad she'll be there too because I ran my first two half marathons with her.  This also means I'll have a training buddy once I'm home again.  I am a bit crazy to take this on I think because I keep wondering who decides to train for this when they are busy moving back around the world and going on a 10 day vacation before actually heading home.  It's definitely doable, and I may be crazy, but I think having to keep running when I get home will be good for me because although I miss home, I know it is going to be an adjustment moving back to the States.  Until then, I'll be enjoying the beautiful mountains, river, and bridge that have provided such a peaceful place at my home away from home.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful place to run or walk! Wow, to run a marathon. You go girl. Have a safe trip home!
